Locomotive Close-up
1975Inv. # PR31
City Bosten (sc)
1976Inv. # PR01
His and Hers Radars
1978Inv. # PR01
View of the Marais from the
1978Inv. # PR01
Blue Factory
1980Inv. # PR01
Subway Stop
1981Inv. # PR01
London Street, 1981
1981Inv. # PR01
Squash (Ridley Road Series)
1982Inv. # PR01
Abandoned Dock in Liverpool
1982Inv. # KRA 1
Abandoned Dock in Liverpool
1982Inv. # KRA 1
Pale Herds
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Rain of Handbags
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Blue Pajamas
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Golden Hazzer
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Rugs for Sale
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Three Heads
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Inside Out
1983Inv. # KRA 1
Swift Transition of Towns
1988Inv. # PR28
Swift Transition of Towns
1988Inv. # PR27
Swift Transition of Towns
1988Inv. # PR25
Swift Transition of Towns
1988Inv. # PR26
Swift Transition of Towns
1988Inv. # PR24
City Passage
1990Inv. # PR24
City Passage
1990Inv. # PR24
City Passage
1990Inv. # PR24
The Abruzzi- 3 Times
1998Inv. # PR24